The Complete Guide to Isometric Pixel Art

    Chapter 3


Using and selecting the correct colours to use for your IPA piece is one of the most important aspects of the overall work. Having a bright toxic green house with purple highlights isn't the best thing anyone would want to look at. Just imagine your building or scene, as it would look if you were standing right there. Whether it be bright plastic style, or mid-tone natural colours, it's still your choice. The only thing you have to consider is making the right choice of colours to suit your piece. Using an example of my work below, you can see that I don't really like to use bright colours all that much. Although the colours aren't the prettiest, I think it adds to the overall theme and feel of the piece. If I were to say, create a fun game scene or children's style piece, I would opt for the brighter and happier colours. Remember, if you are unsure about your colour selection, divide the palette sheet in MSPaint into thirds. Then pick your colours from the middle third. This way, they won't have too much contrast or too little.
Words and images copyright 2004 - Rhys Davies