The Complete Guide to Isometric Pixel Art

    Chapter 6

    Mini Tutorial: The Interior Of A Kitchen

Ok, now to every pixel mad housewife's dream. Pixelling the interior of a kitchen. It can be any kitchen you want. A made up one, your kitchen at home, hell it can even be a kitchen that isn't actually a kitchen. Me, I like to make up my own interiors and designs. So here we go, watch my process and steps carefully and then in your own time make your kitchen from scratch (don't copy mine in other words.)

Step 1. First step I always take when i'm pixelling a scene, is I browse the net using Google Image Search for reference pictures to help me design and draw (relatively ok looking) objects and architecture. Below are some photographs of kitchens and kitchen objects that I could use in my scene.

Step 2. Next I draw the basic outline of my room space in which the kitchen will eventually fit in to. Remember to always start with a basic outline and leave all the colouring and shading to last. As you can see below, my kitchen is a basic cube shape with one side being longer than the other.

Figure 6.5

Step 3. Ok, now inside of my cube I begin to map out and draw the cupboards and overhead thingys that kitchens have. Take your time in this particular section and plan out where you are going to place things. Look below at my example and you will see that I have some nice benches and cupboards.

Figure 6.6

Step 4. We've got benches and cupboards and overhead thingys, now we need some objects. Objects include such things as refridgerators and ovens, even plates and glasses. Ok, around the outside of my scene I start to draw all the objects I want to place around my kitchen (remember to keep them as isometrical as you can). I then select each object and place it where I want it to go in my scene (look in the second example picture), or copy and paste it and then place it around my scene. Such things as plates or glasses can easily be copied and pasted to save you the trouble of recreating them each time you want to use one in your scene.

Figure 6.7                                                                                                  Figure 6.8

Step 5. Look at how messy my scene is! To fix this all we need to do is go around the scene, erasing lines that would appear behind other objects. Once this is done you should have the basic outline of your entire scene. Look at my scene so far if you are unsure of what I mean.

Figure 6.9

Step 6. Ok, now we colour it in like a colouring in book. Get your fill tool and go around your scene, colouring everything to your satisfaction. Remember to use darker shades of colours to give objects shading and always remember to use a light source when you are shading your scene.

Figure 7.0

Step 7. After colouring and shading, it's time to highlight. Go around your scene and find the sharp edges. Things such as the edge of a cupboard or benchtop will need a highlight. Once you have done this it should look similar to mine below (don't make it exactly like mine or you won't have learnt anything.)

Figure 7.1

Step 8. Add a few people that you've created in the other tutorials or just leave it how it is. Save the BMP file as a GIF or PNG in an image editing program such as Photoshop or The Gimp (freeware). Please remember not to save your work as one of these filetypes in MS Paint. Paint tends to totally ruin your work if you attempt to save it as something other than a BMP. Show it off to your friends and family and receive criticism as to where you could improve next time. Always remember to take comments as a learning experience, and don't get angry if they are negative, just improve on it next time.
Words and images copyright 2004 - Rhys Davies