The Complete Guide to Isometric Pixel Art

    Chapter 4


Texturing your objects and buildings make your pieces more interesting and pleasing to look at. Going for the plain coloured look can be good if you are giving it that cartoonish look, but usually it's a tad boring to look at. A building is usually made of bricks, so why not give it a nice brick texture on its walls. This can be achieved by following this small tutorial below.

Step 1. Draw evenly spaced horizontal (iso-horizontal) lines across the side of your wall, using a darker colour than the original wall colour.

Figure 3.6

Step 2. Once this is complete, go along drawing small vertical lines that jump each line as you move down. They also need to be evenly spaced as you move along.

Figure 3.7

Step 3. Now repeat this process on the gaps that have no vertical lines, drawing each small vertical line in the middle of the 'brick' above. There you have it, the simple brick texture.

Step 4. To make it more brick-like and nice to look at, we're also going to add highlights to every brick to make them stand out more. So, decide (or look) at where your lightsource is, and highlight the part of each brick that the sun will be directly hitting (with a lighter colour).

Figure 3.8

As you can see, texturing isn't all that hard, and once you get it down you'll never have another plain looking wall again. Now, we'll look at some other texturing examples.
Words and images copyright 2004 - Rhys Davies